The Red Stars are once-a-year events! The Handmade Gift Show is also a rarer event but only open to wholesale buyers. If you have a shop and are interested in my work, definitely stop by and check out the Urban Craft Uprising Handmade Gift Show. Lots of new work and stationery!!
Wowzers what a fun June! VERY excited for the Fremont Solstice Festival, it has been my favorite Seattle event for years and this will be the first time I’m in it as a vendor. Also very excited for the We are Doll Parts Pop up on the 11th. It is an absolutely beautiful shop- definitely stop by and say hello if you’re able. I will be hosting Cirque Du Kink at my studio for the June 9th Artwalk at the Greenwood Art Collective. I collect many vintage/antique pieces, but a favorite is- COLORED GLASS. I wanted to experiment drawing some of my collection and turning them into riso prints. I turned the drawings into a cocktail cards set of 5 different designs and an enveloped package, as well as three 8.5’ x 11” prints. Below are some close ups of the color play.
May is here and I’m super excited to be doing so many events!
I will be doing several new markets and art fairs this summer. The U-District street fair, Fremont Solstice, Alki Arts Fair, Anacortes Arts Fair. Crafty Wonderland Fremont Sunday Market Capitol Hill Artwalk in Chophouse Row- Butterhouse Greenwood Artwalk A Sticky Melty Hot Start to Summer show at Siderail Collective U District Street Fair SLU Market New things- Very happy with how these new stickers came out. Several new riso prints and cards, and I have a few other products in the works! Market season is in full swing- Just about every weekend I will be out and about. Fremont Sunday market is a main stay, Making Local is coming up this weekend in Mountlake Terrace and Crafty Wonderland in PDX the following weekend! I also just realized, this month marks 10 YEARS having this website!! Wowzers
Thank you to all those who came out to my studio opening! It was such a fun evening! My studio will be open every 2nd friday of the month 6-10pm, along with the rest of the collective. Each month I will host a guest artist, there will always be new creations to see. Below are some photos of the studio and event. It was also Sequoia's 2nd birthday, she was pooped by the end of the night.
I am very excited to share this project I was honored to be part of! This field guide educates about the bioregion through collections of illustrations and writings. It is published through Mountaineer Books and will be available for sale at this event and bookstores later this year! Read all about the book HERE
I will be speaking at the town hall event- hope to see you there! :) I joined the Greenwood Art Collective at the tail end of 2020. With the waves of the Pandemic, the collective was a bit off and on but overall the collective HAS MADE IT THROUGH! Which unfortunately can't be said of a lot of other art spaces in Seattle. The past few artwalks have been picking up and we expect to have full upstairs/downstairs shows this year! If you've been to the collective you probably have seen me in a colorful corner in Moonrise but I now have my own studio upstairs which will be open for artwalks- I will have a "grand opening" in March.
I painted this outdoor sign to spruce up the front of the building. The black/fenced building hasn't been the most inviting so hopefully it will help draw people in. Hope to see you soon! December was a wild ride and now the 2023 is in full swing! There are several exciting shows and events coming up and a NEW STUDIO! I am very excited to have a new working studio within the Greenwood Art Collective.
Last year blew me away with all the amazing support from markets, shows, and commissions. I am incredibly thankful everyday to be able to continue creating and building Psychedelic Lens and meet so many amazing people! This year is an exciting one. I am thrilled to be collaborating with one of my favorite artists @creaturepanic this month, a few new markets and fairs I will be showing in, and new work! Hopefully these stationery sets and tree series will finally come together. Finally, having a working studio for Psychedelic Lens will be a game changer. I hope to see you soon! :) The 2023 calendar is done! The equinoxes and solstices are marked with dots. Another 11” x 17” nature print is available, both are available online and in person. Woo boo!
This be the final lineup for Holiday Markets! These are great places to support local artists and small businesses of this region and also have a good time. Many of these events have drinks and food available, hope to see ya around! I am also doing the Rabbit Box Pop Up on Dec 9th 11-4
April 2024
Me!Hello! I'm Cascadian colored pencil artist extraodinaire. |