A few of my pieces are up on Society 6 and you can get some cool things with my art on them! You can check out my storefront HERE. It's a step in the direction I've been striving towards. Society 6 makes it easy to sell products while keeping the rights to my work, as they do all the product assembly and shipping. So I only get a small percentage of each sale, but like I said, it's a step. I'm really excited about the totes, although I will say I have some fabric coming in to make my own bags which will be more cost effective and personal. And in case you didn't know. . .I'll be at the Greenlake Chocolati this Saturday from 11am- afternoonish selling prints, magnets, and live painting (if it's warm outside). Come say hello and hang out :)
A big concern of mine with art is the sustainability side of it. This is one of the reasons I don't go out and make a shit ton of products, wrapped in plastic. In fact, I have a hard time justifying selling prints locally. But, of all the mediums available to work in, colored pencils are fairly low impact, I buy my pencils in bulk and I make a point of using found materials to draw on. I've recently become enamored with working on matte boards. I was given a bunch for free and did a series of faces on them, a few pictured below. But I quickly ran out of what I was given and recently found and a framing shop which gives out their scraps! I collected a good 20 pieces today for free. So I'm pretty happy with finding a fairly low impact art making niche.
Now to tackle the sustainability of the print selling/money making aspect. . . I LOVE designing and making posters. (you need a poster made, let me know!) It's kinda been my dream forever to make band posters. This past year or so I've had a few more opportunities to make posters and how I approach the projects has really changed. If you look through below you'll really notice me finding my path and accepting colored pencils as a valid medium for posters! WooOOooOoOo, look at me. But for real, I've started treating posters like pieces, which I always did before but rushed. Normally, the poster needs to be done on a quick turnaround which inhibits the time I have to spend on details. Luckily, the past few posters I've had a lot more advance notice and they're through people I know, so I feel more comfortable doing what I want. Which is what we should all be doing anyway. We got colored pencil, collage, screenprint, photoshop, and a combination of all. I will say, the Womxn's March poster text was added by Liberty Harrington b/c I'm technologically illiterate BUT when I saw it on the Cinerama marquee during the march, I did get tears in my eyes.
It is my now-stated goal to post more! The art shows haven't stopped, art is always being created but I seem to have had a tech barrier. But! I now have a laptop, and a smartphone.
April 2024
Me!Hello! I'm Cascadian colored pencil artist extraodinaire. |