Super excited to be opening up an etsy shop in less than a week!! What goods will I have you ask? Stickers, sticker packs, sticker sheets, postcard packs, prints, so many things! Everything made in the Cascadian bioregion and will be shipped in compostable packaging
I have a piece in the online show, "Political Discord" at Las Lagunas Gallery which physically resides in Southern CA. Luckily for you, you can see the whole exhibit online HERE! It's an interesting show which can help digest or reflect on the times we're in. The show runs through November 3rd- be sure to vote and vote properly however your area is doing it!
As mentioned previously, I'll be opening up a shop on this website November 1st. I had a successful booth run at the Crown Hill Artwalk in October, I'm super excited to get the online shop up and running. I'll be around town this fall/winter at various online and socially distant markets, as dates are confirmed I'll be posting them here. And A final, yes! yes!- I've been doing #inktober, I'll make a post on it when completed, or head on over to my instagram and follow along :) I’ve been working on making sustainable, local products for the past few months and will be selling these goods at the upcoming CrownHill Artwalk this Sunday, Oct 4! With the pandemic, artwalks have been put on hold. To adapt, this event takes place outside in different peoples yards. I will be at 9233 6th Ave NW in le ol Crown Hill neighborhood. People have really come together to put this on, you can find a map of other artists and info here.
Everything I’ll be selling is made within the bioregion, as sustainable as possible, with small businesses. All packaging is 100% biodegradable and plastic free!! And I was still able to do this all affordably, so I can pass along those deals. What new goods do I have to offer?
What are the prices?
November 2024
Me!Hello! I'm Cascadian colored pencil artist extraodinaire. |