More graphite and gouache studies. Not much to say except I've never been to Vienna and that conservatory looks amazing!
Some quick notes on these places as they are all amazing. Eiffel tower is actually really cool and you can take the stairs most of the way up! Blue Moon Mosque in Istanbul is probably one of the most beautiful buildings I've ever been in. The mountain in Antigua is a volcano which you can climb up and see the lava! When I went it was super cloudy so couldn't see inside but could hear it and a stray dog hiked up with us. Prague is art. This font is based off the Basque Country font, where everything is capitols except the i, check it out. It's very interesting a country/region has its own font! These photos were from pexels but I should keep with this practice using my own travel photos. We shall see.
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I had recently finished up a sketchbook and got this wondrous new watercolor paper one I'm dedicating to studies. Last week was timed people studies, based off images from This week I'm onto architecture. I'm using gouache over graphite for these studies, times range from 20 min-3+ hours. Hope I can get a bit faster. . .
November 2024
Me!Hello! I'm Cascadian colored pencil artist extraodinaire. |