Cascadia Conifer Project
Colored Pencil
Live Painting / Murals
Plastic Free Illustrations
Riso Prints
30" x 40", “Hoh” on Illustration Board, self-initiated piece
20" x 30", “Bike” SOLD on illustration board, self-initiated piece.
30" x 48" SOLD “Forest” on illustration board, commission
15" x 20"
15" x 20" SOLD on illustration board, self-initiated piece
12” x 15.5”, “Pinecones” on matte board, self-initiated piece from actual specimens
5" x 5.5" on paper for scientific illustration program
15" x 20", “Ladybug” on illustration board, self-initiated piece from actual specimen
24" x 36", “Growth” on cardboard, self-initiated piece
15" x 20" SOLD on illustration board, self-initiated piece
15" x 20", “Lime Butterfly” SOLD on illustration board, self-initiated piece from actual specimen
24" x 36" SOLD on illustration board, self-initiated piece
15" x 20", “Staghorn Beetle”, on matte board, self-initiated piece from actual specimen
15" x 20" SOLD on illustration board, self-initiated piece
15" x 20" SOLD on illustration board, self-initiated piece
15" x 20" SOLD “Russian Flowers” on illustration board, self-initiated piece
11.5" x 15", “Ammonite”, on matte board, self-initiated piece
20" x 30" on illustration board, self-initiated piece
15" x 20", “Space Princess” on illustration board, self-initiated piece
15" x 20", “Speak up” on illustration board, self-initiated piece
8" x 8" SOLD on illustration board, for Drawnk 8x8 show
15" x 20" on illustration board, self-initiated piece
15" x 20", “Daisies” on illustration board, self-initiated piece
20" x 30", “Deforestation” on illustration board, self-initiated piece
15" x 20" SOLD on illustration board, self-initiated piece
10" x 15", “Sassy Sunset” on matte board, self-initiated piece
36" x 24" SOLD “Seb” on illustration board, in memory of Seb
15" x 20" SOLD “The Wisdon of the Redwoods” on illustration board, self-initiated piece
48" x 30" SOLD on matte board, commission
15" x 20", “Flowers” on illustration board, self-initiated piece
15" x 20", “Gray/Green Gradient” on illustration board, self-initiated piece
“15 x 20”, “African Flower Beetle” on illustration board, self-initiated piece from actual specimen
Cascadia Conifer Project
Colored Pencil
Live Painting / Murals
Plastic Free Illustrations
Riso Prints
Copyright 2022 Erin Fox